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Karibuni katika blog yetu ambayo itakuwa ikizungumzia kuhusu masuala ya uzazi hasa kwa wale wenye matatizo ya kuchelewa kupata watoto (infertility). Hapa tutajadili chanzo cha matatizo hayo na njia zinazoweza kutumika kuondoa tatizo hilo pamoja na kupeana ushauri na nasaha katika masuala mbalimbali yanayohusu uzazi. "KWA NEEMA YA MUNGU KILA MWANAMKE ATANYONYESHA"

Wednesday, 18 April 2012

Can You Ovulate Without the Presence Of Cervical Mucus?

wakati tukiendelea na safari yetu,  nimeona sio vibaya tukawa tunapata vidokezo muhimu  kutusaidia.
 Juzi nilikuwa naongea na mmoja wa wanatimu, katika maongezi yetu tukagusia hii kitu ya ovulation ambayo ni hatua muhimu  katika utungaji wa mimba. hapo tukajadili hivi ni lazima mwanamke atoke ute kujua kama ovulation imeshatokea au sio lazima? na kama sio lazima kuona ute utajuaje kama ume-ovulate? Baada  ya maongezi hayo nikaona ni vyema niiweke hii hadharani ili tufaidike wote.

Cervical Mucus
Cervical mucus is produced by the cervix and its consistency changes throughout your menstrual cycle based on hormones associated with ovulation. After the menstrual period ends, cervical mucus is dry and prevents sperm from penetrating the cervix. Approximately a week before ovulation estrogen levels cause the cervical mucus to become abundant, sticky and thick, which helps the sperm to penetrate the cervix. The following chart shows typical changes in cervical mucus throughout the menstrual cycle ( based on a 28-day cycle):

Days 1-5 Menstruation 
Days 6-9 Dry, little or no mucus 
Days 10-12 Sticky, thick mucus 
Days 13-15 Egg white mucus, thin, elastic, slippery, stretchy, clear (most fertile time) 
Days 16-21 Sticky, thick mucus 
Days 22-28 Dry, little or no mucus 

Cervical fluid is an essential element to conception due to its ability to keep sperm alive for up to four days (in fertile quality fluid) as it protects the sperm from the acidity in the vagina and transports it to the outer third wall of the fallopian tube where fertilization takes place. Therefore, your chances of pregnancy are greatly increased with intercourse right before ovulation because the sperm can live for about 3-4 days, an egg is present for about one day, and the cervical mucus is the most "friendly" for sperm at this time.

Fertile cervical mucus should be abundant and feel wet for two to four days before ovulation. It can appear either thick and creamy or like hand lotion and will form peaks in your fingertips when pulled apart or can be thinner and look milky. The color of the fluid is white or yellow and the overall vaginal sensation is wet. If you do not produce egg white cervical mucus, the last day of either milky, creamy or lotion like fluid would be considered your peak day.

Egg white cervical mucus is present during the most fertile stage which lasts for one to five days. This mucus will look like and have the consistency of egg whites. It is slippery to the touch and if pulled between the fingertips can stretch from one to ten inches! The color can be clear or iridescent and the overall sensation is extremely wet.

Egg white cervical mucus, or "spinnbarkeit" mucus, is usually a sign of an increase in the estrogen hormone. This generally happens around the time of ovulation, but ovulation doesn't necessarily occur just because there is egg white mucus, so you can get egg white fluid and not ovulate. The typical biphasic BBT curve is an indicator of ovulation however, so if your chart shows two distinct phases you will know that you have ovulated. Having a biphasic BBT curve is a much better indicator of ovulation than egg white cervical mucus. (source:

wataalamu wanaeleza kuwa mwanamke unaweza kupata ovulation bila ya kuona ute, kujua zaidi soma habari hii Can You Ovulate Without the Presence Of Cervical Mucus?

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